Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Worried Day !

It's a cloudy Wednesday. This morning once open my eyes, was thinking to come online to chat with 'C'. Yeah, probably its a sleeping for him though.

Last night, I really had a good night sleep. I didnt wake up in the middle of night. Sleep till this morning at 4:55am wake up a while as its normal for me to wake twice in a night. Last night spoken with my sis-in-law before I slept.

Yeah, its about my dad. He has shingles and chinese people known as 'snake'. Its getting more worse after seeing the doc on the Monday. More shingles and it spreads to whole of his back. He had suffer for few nights which unable to sleep in. Yeah, the feeling of pain. Even though a dozen of pain killer cant help in. As he really in a suffer which I can see the most.

After nagging for few days, finally this morning brought him to Tong Shin Hospital. He has his own Chinese Sensei which always help him to acupunture and he preferable to see chinese doc rather than taking western medicine. I cant resist his option and what he's still preferable.
Make me worried for a whole morning.

During my lunch time, I had given a call to my mom to check on his situation at moment. Wanted to know whats the status. But its fortunately he is safe now after the acupunture and the chinese treatment......I am waiting to go home now...there is another 20 mins left to my home...

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