Thursday, July 3, 2008

Third Day in July

What a bored day ! gosh.....I cant opened up my eyes. It's really sleepy. Especially with the weather now....rain.....

Cant get a better sleep last night, as there is out of electricity at around 1:00am in the middle of the night. I have awaken from the sweat after a few minutes the broken from the electricity. Thats bad right. The tarriff has increased but the services has gone down.

Cant stand the hot and humid temperature, decided to wake up and pull off the curtain and let the air coming in from the window. That's really mad. But I cant do anything and just lay one bed...trying to close my eyes and keeping counting the white sheeps. Till 5 am, finally the electricity has came back to us. Ohh luckily, I still manage to get a better sleep for 45 minutes before the Subuh comes to wake me up.

Waking up at 5:45 am and I was really blur about it. Taken a warm shower and feel little refresh. I wish today its on Saturday at least I can sleep for another few hours before I wake up. Day its Thursday...still gotta work -_-''

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