Friday, April 18, 2008

Starbuck's Coffee as my breakfast

Have not updated my blog for 2 days. These 2 days I have cool and calm down myself by using meditation. Honestly, it helps me alot for my sleeping. I cant sleep very well during the night especially last 2 months I have the same bad nightmare which awake me during middle of the night. Was chatting with HIM last night. Find out that, we have less pressure in between the conversations. More over we are like more to a ' Buddy style' now.

I told him that, maybe sometime we need to have some struggles and difficulties in order to improve in our life. Maybe thats true for both of us, we have distance difficulties.

This morning went to Starbucks, honestly since the day I have broke off...I have change my taste and preference which previously I drink Hot Chocolate but now I cant live without the the first 2 days, I drank coffee but my heart-beat till 120 pulse per every mins...super fast right...I went to see doc, as he advised not to drink coffee too much, cause its caffein affect me to be ' super high' same LIKE people taking drugs. But I really cant make it because I need it to refresh myself especially during working hours. I remember I told HIM before not to drink coffee because it will not good for health, he said he will drink tea instead.

Sometime, I am thinking LOVE and relationship its quite can come like a wind and flow over like a river....

Oh yeah, havent share my experience....this morning went to buy me coffee of the start up my working. Fortunately, met a french guy...well I can say he is not that tall..maybe a slightly taller than me. Then he say ' Hi' to me, and saying that I look similar as his ex-wife. He thought I am her at first sight...he told me he has divorce and came to Malaysia working for 2 years plus. Well, honestly I dont want to know about it cause its none of my business too. But after I know he is a french and we start to have some conversation as I am telling him I m learning French language too. We have exchange our messenger, I told him I may need his help when I have some language problem...he feel very friendly to me and said ' Sure'.
Then we wave our hand and headed back to work.

Probably, its become my new beginning to meet friends now...its a good beginning too...hey..YOU remember to share things with me ya...I know you'll check it out my blog sometime. I told HIM,
yesterday was yesterday, today is today, we still have many new days to come'

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